
May you be cast onto a steaming dung-heap, thou armpit of Satan!

The next time you find yourself in heated debate with an irrational and immovable fundamentalist, rip out a cannon made of the ilk they will fear and respect; an Old Testament approved biblical curse, courtesy of the Biblical Curse Generator!

This also works great if you want to freak out your atheist buddies by making them think you have had an overnight conversion at the local mega-church. If you want a more Catholic feel to the prank, be sure to compliment it with splashes of holy water and in-your-face thrusts of a large but crudely made wooden cross as you deliver the generated curses.

It also generates a fantastic ice-breaker to use on a salesman while you make a major purchase, such as your next automobile. Few things will help you bargain them down to the rock-bottom price like a biblical curse or three!

Finally, if you are stuck in a long line--perhaps at the Department of Motor Vehicles or even a busy Taco Bell--this makes for a surefire method of speeding things up and convince fellow customers to give you front-of-the-line access. This method seems to work strongest if you show up wearing only a garbage bag.

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