
Cho possessed by the Devil?

Lauren Green, religious correspondent for Fox News, pathetically asks the question, "Could Cho have been possessed by the Devil? Could that explain the massacre at Virginia Tech?"

Interviewed for the article we learn from Oral Roberts that, "..,there's no doubt that this act was Satanic in origin." Sadly, Roberts informs us that we'll never know if "Cho was 'possessed' or 'oppressed'" by Satan because, well, Cho is dead now.

Fortunately, Roberts was able to determine all this based on "what I've seen and heard in the news." From that I think we can also clearly infer that a little hocus-pocus on the part of Christianity could have averted this absolute tragedy--you know, by casting out a few devils, all that sort of thing.

To be fair to Green, she at least made an effort to include multiple viewpoints regarding the possibility of Satan as an instigator for the massacre. Along the way she wryly informs us that "Atheists don't believe in the Devil or demonic possession," and even speaks briefly with Michael Shermer to learn more on a godless and skeptical opinion of the matter.

Personally, I'm considering an e-mail to Fox and Green to suggest that she expand her role from mere religious correspondent to also become the alien correspondent. It seems equally as viable to believe that malevolent aliens were using mind control techniques to force Cho to carry out the vile events at Virginia Tech, and that they are in fact the true villains behind the scenes. That and video games, of course.

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